Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Ruby on Rails Development Company In Noida

Ruby on rails or simply Rails is basically a server side web application framework written in Ruby under the MIT license. Default structures for a data base, a web service and web pages etc are provided by the framework of model view controller is a rail. The web structures such as JSON or XML and their use is encouraged and facilitated by it. Apart from these the use of other well known software engineering patterns and paradigm are emphasized by the Rails. The convention over configuration (Coc), don’t repeat yourself (DRY) and the active record pattern. Ruby Gems a package manager is being used by installation of Ruby on Rails Development Company.

It is being deployed with a database server such as MySQL or PostgreSQL and Apache (A web server) running the Phusion passenger module. The trademark applications related to Ruby on Rails Development Company were filed by David Heinemeier Hansson which were 3 in number. As far as its connection to the internet is concerned it is being not connected directed to the internet. It is also supported natively on the IBM. In the early days some front end web server Mongrel was generally preferred over WEBRICK but it can on Lighttpd, Apache, Cherokee, nginx and many others. The extensive use of the Java Script libraries, prototype and script.aculo.us for scripting Ajax actions is very noteworthy for Ruby on Rails Development Company.  
A default configuration a model in it framework maps to a table in a database and to a Ruby file. For example a model class User will usually be defined in the file’ user’ in the app/models directory and linked to the table ‘users’ in the database. In accordance with the “convention over configuration” philosophy it is generally discouraged and seems to be not common practice like choosing differing names for their models, files and database table and developers are free to ignore. A view in the default configuration of Rails is an erb file which is evaluated and converted to HTML at run-time. Alternatively, many other templating systems can be used for views.

1 comment:

  1. Very happy to see this blog. Gives a wonderful information with coded explanation. Thank you for this blog. very useful to me. Ruby on Rails Development Company in USA
